Snake medicine....powerful stuff. My primary totems are Raven, Crow, Hawk and Horse--these are the ones I relate to the most. I also have Rabbit and Coyote as well. I actually raised rabbits for 8 years and do feel a kinship with them. There is also an argument to be made that anyone with Raven and Crow certainly has Wolf but I usually see wolves in other people and not myself. Maybe time will change that.
Snake has shown up for me a lot lately. I've always been comfortable around snakes. I can pick them up. They will show up right in front of me and I almost step on them. When I notice them they always stay for a good 20 seconds and then when I reach for them they try to get away. I've caught a few and after peeing on me they always settle in and get comfortable. I used to have a 6 ft boa constrictor but got worried it was too strong for me so I gave it back to the breeder. I recently came across a complete snake skin on the path that I walk everyday. Picked it up and brought it home. I do consider it a gift from Snake. I don't know if I have snake as a totem or if it's temporary. If it is temporary, it has been around for over a year now.
Snake is heavy medicine that comes with a lot of responsibility. Transmutation...to transmute...Merriam Webster definition: to change or alter in form, appearance, or nature and especially to a higher form....yes heavy medicine. Snake urges me to evolve. To always take the high road no matter what is thrown my way. To take in life's "poisons" and absorb them. To shed my skin and in that renew and rejuvenate and become new again. Yes snake has helped me and I have become snake many times.
Snake is also about clairvoyance which I feel growing within me as well. Right before snake sheds its skin, a veil forms over it's eyes. That veil is the doorway that allows visions and predictions and inner knowing. That veil enables snake to shed its skin and become new again only to start the process all over to the next level. To be willing to experience everything and digest everything so that this veil can be created and enlightenment obtained. It's no coincidence that two snakes intertwined around a sword is the symbol of healing even in today's world. Willingness is the key. The willingness to learn from, grow from and accept everything that life has to offer. Remember that swords are double edged.....to love the dark as well as the light and see how important each is to the other. Snake medicine helps me to see my future and to become it.
To become the future......
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