Recent events have caused me to ponder quite a bit about the meaning of True Love. I know there are many books out there that discuss relationships and how they work and what ingredients there are to successful ones. I'm sure many people follow these formulas and are perhaps happy just like some people follow the rules of a church and in the following of those rules they gain a sense of order and happiness and for some even spiritual enlightenment. The rules allow them to clear away the fog that most of us walk around in and in that they are able to have the Universe (or God if you prefer) reach them. There are many who need that and I am grateful they have that avenue to travel on.
I am a visual thinker and I see things in pictures and moving visions. As we go through life we pick up dirt. Just like a little kid going out to play in the world who comes home covered in whatever matter they found. As adults we "play" out in the world as well and we come home covered in the treasures or the disappointments in life. Some of them we created but some come from the people we have chosen to interact with. The little kid can come home and get clean from the bath for the most part but usually adults carry with them what they have experienced creating what to me looks like the Charlie Brown character "Pig Pen". The residue clogs the mind and the environment and is like a cloudy trail we carry around with us.
When we meet someone and have that "soul" connection--that True Love that we all search for--it's like the tiny environment that is created when the two are together repels that dark cloud that follows each. The clouds are still there but they are pushed a little further back and bright light is revealed around the two. But here is where the work begins. True love is capable of slowly making that small area bigger and brighter. It takes the two participants to realize that the cloud will try to close in again but if they stick together and weed through the murkiness they have the capability of removing the cloud for both of them. The union of two people creating a spark that illuminates both of their worlds. At first the spark is hot and bright but if properly tended to becomes glowing warm embers that encompass them both and provide a stable environment for both of them to return to after "playing outside".
But that can be difficult because for so many that dark dirty cloud is home and to come into the light can be frightening, overwhelming and blinding--I know it was for me at first. They are so used to living in darkness that the light scares them and they retreat. They explain away the spark that is now fading because it was not attended to. "It wasn't real" they tell themselves. How could it be. Stuff like that doesn't happen.
This is where it becomes sad for me. This beautiful picture I have in my mind of two souls embracing each other and pushing back the murky fog is not how most people think anymore. There are formulas and rules and established procedures for relationships. There are two many mice scrutinizing how things should work and not enough turtles going with the flow. Mice have their purpose but their medicine infrequently belongs in relationships. Two many mice have been allowed to take over in this world in every area and space and those of us who have had mice problems in our house know what it means when that happens.
So my wish is that for all of you who have felt that spark and have not moved beyond it to the warm embers...wake up....go with it....do it together. No one comes without baggage. No one comes without problems. Lift each other up. Put on different glasses. See it in a different way. Look at weaknesses as assets being used incorrectly. Find out who that person is and celebrate it. Find out what that person needs and give it to them. Not giving AWAY yourself, giving OF yourself. There is a difference--learn it. Celebrate the soul connection you had at the beginning and build on it. Don't look for reasons to explain it away. Love is a flame that cannot be left unattended. One person can keep it going for awhile but love is meant to be cared for by two and eventually that one persons efforts will be for naught. Don't wait and don't worry. Fight if you have to (not all fighting is unhealthy) work it out, get it out, be brutally honest and then come together in the end, forgive and love with all that you have. Don't hold anything back and the gifts will return to you 100 fold.
This is my picture of True Love. For some it may not be perfect and by society's standards it certainly is not. But it is perfect in itself for it is what it's supposed to be and for those that experience it, they understand that to their core.
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