Killdeers, Snakes, Dragonflies, Hawks, The High Priestess,Thoth, Mercury, Naga, Nada, Ringing in the Ears and the 5th Chakra..........
"All the words that I've been reading are now starting the act of bleeding into one....into ONE."
This song speaks to me on so many different levels but that one line describes the experience perfectly....one thing is another is another and so on. It's amazing to me. Symbolism abounds!
Three is everywhere for me. I take it as a sign that the Goddess is all around me. The original trinity--Mother, Maiden and Crone--guiding me, teaching me, showing me how to live. I see three of things ALL THE TIME. Today is was 3 snakes and three squirrels. Early in my spiritual journey I saw three Ravens and three Magpies in one tree. And there are hundreds of examples. I don't think a day has gone by recently where I haven't seen 3 of some bird or creature.
I see a lot of wildlife on my daily walk. A few days ago I saw something I hadn't seen before. Three killdeers. I only saw them once and have not seen them since. I could not find any information about killdeers as a totem so I researched information on them and came to my own conclusions. They are walking contradictions. They are a water bird that does not have to live near a major body of water. They lay their eggs in plain site in order to hide them. They fake injuries to lure predators away from their nests. I've decided they are akin to the moon as the gestation period for their eggs is 28 days and they have two rings around their throats, one in the shape of a crescent moon. The babies may stay in the eggs longer but they are born able to run and eat and fend for themselves essentially. This says a lot to me about living my life out in the open and knowing that it may take time for things to come about but when they do they will be fully grown.
Because the rings around their neck are so prominent, my research brought me to references on the 5th chakra or the throat chakra. I looked the information over briefly and then let it go.
Then came the Snakes and Dragonflies. Snake has been with me for awhile and I have studied it's meaning as it pertains to my life. The dragonflies came up 3 or 4 times in just a few days and I struggled to find a meaning that I hadn't already seen because nothing was clicking. Three snakes crossed my path 2 days in a row while on my walk. I usually see snakes frequently...practically step on them all the time...but three in one 2 mile walk?.....definite message being sent. I started to think the two were related and started throwing around the idea of a Dragon totem....Dragonfly and Snake combined. That thought stayed with me, gnawing at the back of my head.
I got back to work and pondered a bit trying to concentrate and got a ringing in my left ear. At first it was loud and internal and then it changed to soft and external. This has been happening quite frequently to me in the past month or so. Also a clicking in one or more ears. I have been working with gathering psychic ability and clairaudience is one aspect so I did a search on the internet and there was the 5th chakra again....amazing....I decided looking into the throat chakra was worth more time than I had initially given it.
On a side note I have a window at my desk at work. I work in a tech park where there are alot of industries and office buildings. It is absolutely amazing how many birds fly by and around my window within my site....particularly the hawks and falcons. I have seen the following out my window: Swainson's Hawk, Cooper's Hawk, Prairie Falcon, and Red Tailed Hawk. Not to mention I have received several Hawk feathers on my walks. How people can just walk by them and not pick them up....they were obviously meant for me.
On two other side notes, I've been working with my dreams lately and have had several visionary lucid dreams in the past weeks. Also in the past week the road has been worked on outside my office building and the name of the company doing it was the Thouth Brothers. The significance of this will make sense in a moment.
But I digress.....
Long story short....turns out the 5th chakra is tied to the Nada--Divine Ear--Clairaudience. Buddhists use the 5th Chakra to induce lucid dreams....oh really? It's also tied to the Gods, Thoth and Mercury. Thoth? Wow, I saw that name recently on the side of the trucks that were outside my window for a week. I do a search and come up with an image (above) that looks very familiar to me. First of all it's the head of a water bird (killdeers) and has the moon on its head almost exactly like the High Priestess (above) in the tarot which has come up for me lately as well as an energy I am surrounded with. To me she is the Triple Goddess of the Tarot. The third image above is that of the 5th chakra...the similarity is obvious. Mercury is the messenger of the Gods as is the Hawk. Not only has Hawk been outside my window and given me several gifts of feathers but has flown over my head or my car just about everyday for about a month or more. All these coincidences are amazing enough. I am surrounded by this energy manifesting itself in my life.
Here is the final piece to me which ties this all into the gnawing feeling of a Dragon totem coming into my life. The Divine Ear or clairaudience is called the Nada in Sanskrit. In investigating the Dragon totem and how Snake and Dragonfly come together, I looked at the water aspect of Dragonfly and the Serpent aspect of the Snake....made sense to me.....and I come up with a Water Dragon totem. In looking into this more I discover the Sanskrit name for Dragon or Serpent is Naga.....oh come on!!!! Nada, Naga...give me a break....absolutely not a coincidence for those two words to come up in the same day--they are related.
Here is the other clue....the first 4 chakras deal with the the four directions and elements and ultimately mastering them and transmuting them. A Dragon totem has command of all four directions and elements and calls their use at will. The fifth chakra or the throat chakra is to me, the birth of the Dragon. The Serpent that is unwinding and gaining power. Through the 5th Chakra, the first 4 chakras are transmuted. Snake is transmutation and Dragon is that at its highest form as it takes the power of the Dragonfly to wipe away illusions, revealing reality while snake takes it in, transmutes and absorbs it, sheds its skin, grows, continues on its ever present course of death and rebirth, awaking new levels of awareness each time. This amazing and intricate tapestry is being revealed to me bit by bit on a daily basis.
Oh, by the way....a Great Horned Owl crossed my path literally the other day in broad daylight. Flew from the ground, across my path to the tree on the other side. I was no more than 10 feet from it at the closest. The 6th or brow chakra's animal is the owl......on to the next piece of the Matrix.......
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