I have been sad over my love loss and have definitely been moving on but it's been a sort of tearing away instead of a clean cut. I've come to realize through Freya's help that it's ok. She cried greatly for her lost love but could still be the strong woman who stood her ground and was independent. She lived life on her own terms.
I think for a long time I would allow myself to be either vulnerable or guarded. If I was vulnerable, I was vulnerable about everything and everyone--no boundaries whatsoever. If I was guarded then I had a wall up that shut everything out.
What Freya has shown me is that I can be vulnerable and strong at the same time. I don't have to give myself away or change who I am to show my vulnerability. It's a very simple concept in theory but actually believing it in my heart is something I've just started to do.
Freya cried her golden tears for her husband who left but was still the leader of the Valkyries and the Goddess of war. She was the beautiful Goddess that all wanted but who no one could possess. She lived with passion in everything--love, war, intimacy. She knew exactly who she was and made no excuses or apologies.
That is the lesson. She has also taught me patience......
The falcon came to me right before Freya did which is not surprising since she is known for her falcon cloak that allows her to shapeshift into the bird itself. Falcon for me has always symbolized patience, decisiveness at the right moment and regalness. My life is unfolding before me in a beautiful woven tapestry. I am beginning to see the past, present and future all working together as one and it is a sight to behold. I must be patient so that I can witness this unfolding and ultimately know my own landscape and how to utilize all that the Goddess had given me.
Until next time.......
I have been doing some meditations with Freya. She impacted my life in similar way. I found your depiction of her and love it very much. I especially like how you captured the warrior aspect. I think I may have gotten more out of what you wrote than picture. Thank you very much for sharing your journey.
ReplyDeleteBe well. Hail Freya!
Evergreen, CO